Introduction of mine.
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Hello readers, good day for you wherever you are. At least let me thank you for visiting my official blog.
Well i'm not the first timer in blogging and actually not good with word, but i'll do my best in making a good article's and for sure i will make you satisfied.
In my first post, what do you want to know? My name? My age? My life? My address? Phone number? Job or study?........
No? Ok thats fine.
Then let me tell my story and i would like to introduce myself and why i choose technical faculty especially machinery technical in Tanjungpura University.
Introduction huh? Hehe fine. My name's Jody Iryanto Pratama, i born on my mother hahahaha sorry. I born on Pontianak City, June 23th year 1999 as a firstborn son and Live in pontianak. After I graduated from the Vocational High School, I decided to continue my study at the Highest level and thats why i choose Tanjungpura University, Especially Machinery Technical.
Why there? Well i have my personal reason.
First, i want to developing my skill and educational of technology to the Highest level. And make my study and experience worthy for other people's and for my country
Second, there is no end of learning and making something new, because my hope is to be innovationist person
Third, after i finish my study, i want to get a job that connected to technology and technical and any job always seeing a title from a person who applying for that job, so thats why i need the title of technical faculty.
Ok, any questions? If not, then i'll add additional information.
I'm Single, and i'm still not sure about my dreams and ambition because its to many. Hehehehe. But one of dream that i really sure is i want to build my own multifunction company that can make anything needs for people's. Then before my parent's leaving me, i want to make them take a pilgrimage hajj to mecca. Amien.
Ok thats all for now. Thanks for reading my article's and don't forget to subscribe my Google +.
Assalamualaikum we.wb
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